Rosthwaite to Coniston

I’ve not really been paying attention to my blog of late and I’m now playing catch up.

This trip goes back to May and follows on from a long weekend with Mary and Meg our Labrador pup in our campervan staying outside Keswick at a campsite at the foot of Blencathra.

Mary dropped me at Rosthwaite, and I walked from there mainly following the Cumbria Way, through Langstrath Valley, over Stake Pass, camping at Great Langdale and moving on the next day, to arrive in the evening above Coniston Water near Torver. Although warm and sunny, it was accompanied by strong winds, the forecast suggesting 55-60 mph winds on the tops, which meant I sought the shelter of valley camps during the trip.  Quite a few miles were walked through wooded sections and this made a pleasant change from  walking on the fells.

It was my first chance on a backpacking trip to try out my Zpack Duplex tent which performed well and has bags of space for one, being a two person shelter but only weighing 600g.  Other notable pieces of kit where my Enlightened Equipment Revelations Down Quilt and 2015 model of the GG Mariposa which carries like a dream.

Below are some photos of the trip.



On the Cumbria Way at Rosthwaite at start of trip.


Langstrath Valley


A lonely tree


Just below the top of Stake Pass, looking down to the upper part of Langdale.


Pike of Stickle


Green and pleasant Langdale


Late spring lambs


Good to see trees as well when out walking



Lunch stop



Bluebells in Tarn Howe Woods



Coniston Water


Above Coniston Water in Zpacks Duplex


Sunset over Coniston fells

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9 Responses to Rosthwaite to Coniston

  1. charlesV says:

    Nice to see you back. Langstrath is one of my favourite valleys.It’s featured as an end tail pic
    on BBC Countryfile. You picked some nice weather !

  2. surfnslide says:

    Nice trip that, never walked Langstrath but I’d did study it in detail as part of an aerial photography survey project at University! No flying alas, just photos in a classroom 😀

  3. John M says:

    How are you getting on with the duplex tent? Very seriously considering buying one? Great blog

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